An Exhortation to Christians Forwarding E-mails, and Discerning Truth in General
I sent the following out in my group e-mail list on 4/1/2010 (with some minor editing), and thought it would be worth reading by all Christians who visit my website:
Like most of you, I have occasionally forwarded an e-mail sent to me,
WITHOUT confirming the validity of the information. Fortunately, there
is usually someone who writes back and shows me that it is wrong. I
then try to contact everyone I sent the wrong information to, in order
to maintain my own credibility as a Christian.
However, I have been becoming more and more alarmed at how many e-mails
I have been receiving, especially from CHRISTIANS, that have included false
information. Just this past week, I have had to write back to at least
ten people, mostly CHRISTIANS, to show them that their e-mail had lots
of wrong facts, and provide them websites to confirm this.
Unfortunately, most of these Christians don't even seem to bother to
contact everyone they sent out the wrong facts to, and tell them the
correct information, once they realize what they sent out was incorrect..
I understand the temptation to forward e-mails we receive WITHOUT
CONFIRMING THE INFORMATION, just because we AGREE with or LIKE the
conclusions. Many Christians have grown up in churches where their
ministers put MADE-UP stories into their sermons to make their point.
They are often moving and seemingly plausible stories, but when they
are scrutinized, they are found to be fictional also. This is a
perpetually bad habit within Christianity, and it needs to CHANGE!
Christians owe it to God and to others to CHECK THE FACTS about
EVERYTHING, before they pass it on! They need to be like the Bereans
in the book of Acts, who God saw as very "NOBLE" for critically
checking the teachings of the Apostle Paul and Silas against what they
found in the Old Testament, to see if their teachings accurately fit
what was found in what was considered the Bible in that day:
Acts 17:10-11
10 And the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by
night to Berea; and when they arrived, they went into the synagogue of
the Jews.
11 Now these were more noble-minded
than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great
eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, {to
see} whether these things were so.
Of course this principle applies to
ANY person teaching other Christians, or to those preaching to
unbelievers. On
top of that, Christians are supposed to continually "TEST THE SPIRITS,
TO SEE IF THEY ARE FROM GOD" (1 John 4:1), something rarely done by any
Christians. From my own observations, a majority of Christians
truth more by their feelings, rather than taking a spiritually sober
look at what is going on regarding what they see and hear.
Because of this, many Christians blindly label demonic activity
as work of the "Holy Spirit,"
something that actually amounts to BLASPHEMY. When you see
a Christian attack those who want to test the spirits and
see if they are acting according to Scriptures, and call them
"unloving" and "causing divisions," you have a Christian who is
DEMONIACALLY controlled to a signficant degree. Spiritually
healthy Christians
ought to EMBRACE Christians trying to obey God to test the spirits,
rather than shun or attack them!
As Christians, we have been demoniacally brainwashed to a large degree
in most of our churches to buy into occultic New Age teachings, thanks
to people like Rick Warren, and to a number of other "Christians" who
preceded and came along after him. As early as 1973,
when I became a Christian, I was shocked at how undiscerning most
Christians were about how to determine whether or not something was truth. I recall going to many, many
home "Bible studies", where we would open the Bible to some passage,
and then the leader would merely ask, "what do you FEEL this passage
means?" I would irritate the leader and others with the seemingly
"unloving" remark, "I'm sorry, but I really don't care about what
others FEEL this passage means. I want to know WHAT IT REALLY MEANS."
I was not saying that God cannot reveal to individual Christians some
kind of prompting on how to make a personal application of a
passage in their own lives. I am however saying that truth is not
arrived by just
sharing our IGNORANCE. I am saying that we need to understand a
particular Bible passage in the context of the REST of Scripture
Scripture to Scripture). I am also saying that we often need
to find out the
exact meanings of the Greek and Hebrew words that the Bible uses.
We need to
find out the cultural and historical contexts also of each Bible
passage. If we did that, we
would get rid of at least 50 percent of the disagreements between
Christians in regards to the various so-called "interpretations" of the
Bible. It is the responsibility of our ministers to be EXPERTS in
Greek and Hebrew, and on the biblical, historical, and cultural
contexts of the Bible also. To the shame of most of our
such things are not taught very much. In its place, Emergent Church
and Contemplative Spirituality
has taken much higher priority. In
fact, these two heresies, which now go by so many different names in
order to confuse us, are completely distorting the entire Bible and our
accurate understanding of it!
I know I got a bit off from the original starting point of this
article. However, all this is VERY MUCH RELATED. IF
Christians want to
make a favorable impact on unbelievers in order for them to become
believers in Christ, we have to be MORE DISCERNING than unbelievers are
it comes to facts! We can't just base our faith on our
feelings, or on some untested spiritual experience we have had (YES,
PAGANS also speak in tongues, have healings, feel "God" in them, and
have other REAL spiritual experiences, also).
We as Christians need to CHECK THE FACTS, before forwarding
information, even if we AGREE with the information's conclusions. We
also need to be humble (yes, me also) when we find out our information
was wrong that we sent out, and then inform those we contacted with correct
information. Even if something sent to you at the bottom says it "was
confirmed by," check it out anyway, because I have found
more than half of those claims to be false also!
If we just believe things blindly because we WANT to, then we are no
better than the unbelievers that we are trying to convert. We need to
have REASONS for all aspects of our faith, and be ready at all times to
give those reasons to any who ask us to:
1 Pet 3:15a
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always {being} ready to make a defense to everyone who
asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you
This article in many ways goes way beyond blindly forwarding
e-mails. It has to do with actively addressing ANYTHING we
blindly believe in. It also has to do with being willing to
consider believing in things that we currently do NOT believe in.
It takes great amount of work and maturity to learn to not merely
parrot somebody else's message, whether it be from our
favorite Christian speaker, or "conservative" radio host.
Christians, of all people, should be ready to leave their comfort
zones, and follow the command to "grow in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of
our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). To grow in
knowledge very often means to be willing to discard WRONG information
formally believed, in order to accept CORRECT information. This
is a
PAINFUL and UNCOMFORTABLE process. It means going against much of
today's "Christianity" believes in and makes a priority in their lives. It includes
taking their political party,
and their politicians off their pedestals, no longer treating them as being
beyond reproach and above
questioning. It also includes obeying the clear commands in 1
Corinthians chapter 5, which teach Christians to quit judging
unbelievers ("outsiders"), letting GOD judge them, and instead, JUDGE believers INSIDE our churches.
The problem is, Christians are busy condemning the behavior of
unbelievers, who are dead spiritually and cannot help but sin, and look
the other way when their own Christian brothers and sisters live in
unrepentant sin of some form. More often than not, it is our own
leadership that is leading the way in sin, in their hypocrisy, lying,
and general compromise in order to try to increase the size of their
Here are just a few small applications for believers in regards to these biblical commands I mentioned above:
conservative Christians know that Muslims are a demonic
religion based upon violence. All conservative Christians know
that the Democrats are biblically wrong and liberal. We really don't
need to keep getting more e-mails on such things endlessly ad nauseam.
We don't need to spend HOURS of each day listening to
"conservative" talk radio and TV to get this message we already know.
If you think I'm wrong, please show me the BIBLE VERSES that prove me wrong!
Instead, we should focus on
things GOD COMMANDED us to do. That includes PREACHING THE GOSPEL, and dealing with sin and heresy
E-mail us stuff that helps us clean up our
spiritually dirty churches. Somewhere along the way, Christians
have been tricked into trusting POLITICS as being what will change the
world. Over and over, the
Kings of Judah (books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles) were commanded to
trust God in protecting them, rather than trusting a "lesser evil"
nation, to protect them from a threatening foreign nation. If
that is still not clear, check out this verse:
Jeremiah 17:5
Thus says the LORD, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind And makes
flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the LORD.
It is
therefore UNBIBLICAL to trust in a political party, rather than in
In fact, I personally am friends with a person who THOUGHT they were a
Christian, and was in Christian leadership, but they were NOT saved.
They USED to be heavily involved in "conservative" politics, but
once they became saved, they realized exactly what I am talking about
here. Their focus on trying to change the world became SHARING
THE GOSPEL, not trusting in politics, like most Christians do today.
In regards to biblically judging believers within our midst, I have some other observations to make that are important.
Some people might think that it is unbiblical to publicly name names of
those who are teaching and behaving wrongly in the churches. If that
was true, then the Apostle Paul was also wrong in his numerous naming
of specific people doing things wrong in various churches. Here is one
of those examples:
2 Tim 4:14-15
14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm; the Lord will
repay him according to his deeds.
15 Be on guard against him yourself, for he vigorously opposed
our teaching.
Paul through the Holy Spirit even gives us the general guidelines on how
to name specific people publicly that are not obeying Scriptures, and
how to treat them:
II Thess 3:14 And if anyone does not obey our instruction in this
letter, take special note of that man and do not associate with
him, so that he may be put to shame.
We do not shame others for our fun or enjoyment. We do so in hopes
that they would REPENT of their sins and wrong teaching, and be
reconciled with God and fellow believers. My article on
covers much of this mostly ignored and misunderstood
biblical topic. Most Christians do not realize that true
forgiveness requires repentance, because without repentance, there is
no reconciliation. "Forgiveness" turns out to just be an empty
word, and there is truly no return to a RELATIONSHIP between the
"forgiver" and the one who has made an offense against the "forgiver."
As stated before, Christians need to QUIT IGNORING information that is
outside of their comfort zone. I believe God has called me to
specialize in providing other Christians information outside of most
Christian's comfort zones. And I know many of you chose to IGNORE my
information, rather than TEST it to see if it is valid or not. Yes, it is theoretically possible that
some (or even all) of my information is wrong. It is therefore your CHRISTIAN
DUTY to intelligently show me exactly why my information is wrong,
using FACTS.
Getting back to the matter of unverified e-mails being forwarded.
There are at least a few red flags that should make us suspicious
about the information forwarded to us. We should be immediately
of a forwarded e-mail if it is lacking a valid confirming link, specific
dates, names, or other specific details, details that could could help
in determining whether or not the
information is valid.
general, it is fairly easy to check to see if these facts are valid. What
works for me in general, is that I copy and paste into Google a
sentence or two of the e-mail that seems uniquely specific about the
message. Quite often, one of the first things that pop up, is a link
to a site like, or That is, if it is
not a "Christian" e-mail. If it is from a "Christian" e-mail, I then quite often have to add words like
"truth or fiction", "myth", or "urban legend" to help me dig through all the
"Christian" web sites that blindly posted the false information, in order to find
a site that shows why it is false.
I'm not saying that websites such as or
are always totally accurate either. From what I can tell, these
are non-Christian sites, so I suspect that they would not always be
supportive of biblical teachings, such as creationism or in regards to
Noah's Flood. Nevertheless, I have unfortunately found such websites to be more
consistently accurate than many "Christian" web sites.
Such practices of discernment can also be generally applied to the examination of any other
information that we come across, such as the stories told to us in church sermons.
I hope that this helps. And thanks again to those who do try to
keep the information I send out accurate and true, in spite of
their own