UPC Code Definition

Unfortunately, the business school I linked to changed or dropped their link to their page that explaned the UPC code.  Nevertheless, I did save a copy of their diagram which clearly shows the line patterns for each number.

Compare the pattern for the number "6" (even) with the patterns for the right and left guard or acceleration bars, and the centre acceleration bars, found at the top.  Note that only the number "6" matches any of the 30 following  patterns!

DO NOT simply trust what I am saying here.  Go out there and LOOK at A LOT of bar codes on various products in the stores until you convince yourself that 666 is on EVERY bar code!

millennium apocalypse Armageddon UFOs Bible Aliens & Antichrist prophecy cosmic omens comet Hale Bopp comet Hyukatake TEOTWAWKI comet Tempel Tuttle Leonid meteor comet debris asteroid impact danger asteroid collision Mars sphinx Egypt sphinx  Cydonia Mars NASA Mars conspiracy alien Mars Cydonia Mars Martian Face Mars Sphinx face Mars Martian Mars Cydonia Sphinx face Egypt Mars Cydonia Mars face Cydonia UFO Antichrist alien satan ufos Bible prophecy Millennium  Apocalypse, Bible Prophecy, Tribulation and Antichrist. UFOs & Antichrist, Angels & Millennium Satan Aliens watcher paranoid conspiracy cosmic rapture 2000 Angels Nephilim UFOs - Millennium paranoia apocalypse prophecy aliens demons new world order antichrist rapture tribulation ufo conspiracyarea 51,  antichrist, HAARP, alien bases, New Age prophecy, millennialism Israel Gog  Magog

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